Saturday, September 27, 2008

Archery Contest at Sportsmans

Summer is not really into hunting or fishing but she decided to give it a try. She sure tried hard. Good Job Summer!

Dalton won 2nd Place!! Yipee! He competed against 24 other kids and was one point off (29 to 28) from first. The kid standing behind him won 1st place. He was really excited! We were really proud of him.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Summer and Daltons First Baseball Game

Jake got Diamondback Tickets for his Birthday from his parents. It was actually on his bday and was the kids first game. We had a blast. As you can see in the last picture Dalton is being his goofy self. He definetly keeps us entertained. The Diamondbacks won WooHoo!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Too Tired

Dalton put his Power Ranger costume on from last Halloween and was running around all day in it. As you can see he fell asleep dead in his tracks. Which is common for him. He is a bundle of energy so when he wears down he passes out.